Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Like Father Like Son

Dylan is a clean freak, just like his mom. Never have I been so proud.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Who EVER thought this would happen again??

I'll be dern! I am blogging! Don't get too excited, really. Brooke actually motivated me to do this...although it was unintentional on her part. So, I haven't written anything on here since January of 2008...it's been a little while huh? What in the world have I been up to since then....welllll, of course, I had a baby, who is now 15 months old, oh and we moved 15 months ago...you do the math! Yes I was HUGE pregnant while we were moving, insanity, I know. I love love love my little angel Dylan. He is the best thing in the whole world. It is so much fun watching him learn and explore daily (while his father learns how to have patience I might add). I absolutely love our home. It is still a work in progress, but apparently that's how we like to do things. Christopher is still working as a real estate appraiser. He owns his own company and is doing well. I am lucky enough to be able to stay at home with Mr. Dylan. It is really nice to have a husband that works so hard to provide these things for our family. Life really couldn't get much better right now.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's a BOY!

So...we went to the doctor yesterday for our ultrasound and found out that the baby is a BOY! He did not cooperate at all with the sonogram! He had his legs above his head the WHOLE time - we should have known it was a boy, as proud as he was! He kept drinking the amniotic fluid the whole time...which was really funny...no wonder I'm so hungry all of the time!! The funniest part was that we got to see his ears...and yes, they are BIG! The exact due date that they gave me is June 28. Chris and I love this little man so much already and we can't wait until he gets here!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Baby on Board

Okay, okay, I know, I'm the WORST blogger EVER! I mean, who doesn't post something for 5 months??? But that's alright, I'm going to start working on it! So here is my first updated blog....


No, it's not new news, but I wanted to wait a while before putting it out there for the whole world to see. I will be 13 weeks on Monday and Chris and I couldn't be happier. As most of you know, we have been trying to get pregnant for almost two years and it has finally happened...and in a cool way I might add! We had tried clomid and it just didn't work for us. So after about three months of taking clomid, we took some time off. We had scheduled an appointment with a fertility doctor on October 20 and actually found out that we were pregnant the week before! What a miracle. We feel so very blessed.

Well, the first trimester hasn't been that bad. I have had some "afternoon" sickness, but it hasn't been untolerable. I'm at the end of my first trimester and I can't wait for the second...I hear it's supposed to be the best!

My sister-in-law's were nice enough to let me borrow some maternity clothes so I won't break my own bank account....THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

We find out what we are having on January 28, 2009....of course I want a girl and Chris wants a boy. He swears we can't have anything but a boy! Oh well, I'll have to show him!!! But, if it's a boy, his name will be Dylan Monroe Howard. Chris won't settle on a girl's name (since we aren't going to have any...according to him), but I'm pushing for Chloe Renee Howard.

The baby is attentively due June 29, 2009, but if it's anything like it's daddy, it will be early.

Well there is my update! I hope you all enjoy...who knows when I'll get back on here! HAHA!

Oh and here is a really cool website that shows the development of the baby.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


As if we don't look like big enough dorks...we decided to go see "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in 3D! Don't be hatin' on the shades!